
 2023-02-26 11:02

有关中药饮片与中药配方颗粒制九子回春膏的比较研究摘 要:膏方,又名膏滋。




关键词:膏方;特点;制备工艺;中药饮片;中药配方颗粒;比较;A comparative study on the preparation of Jiuzihuichun ointment by Chinese herbal decoction pieces and Chinese herbal formula granulesChen ShanshanAbstract: Herbal paste also known as Chinese herbal ointment. It is one of the traditional Chinese medicine dosage forms handed down from ancient times in China, and also contains the traditional thought of syndrome differentiation and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. The use and popularity of Chinese herbal paste not only greatly reduces the trouble of decocting, but also makes it 'customized' for patients, making its therapeutic effect more specific and targeted. This article introduces the historical origin, development and characteristics of herbal paste ,which improves the formulation of Jiuzi Huichun Decoction in thousand family recipe, and the traditional decoction in the original prescription was improved into a Chinese herbal ointment which is easy to store and take. By choosing two different preparation methods of traditional Chinese herbal slices and granules, the differences of their main components and economic indicators were compared, and combined with the two existing literatures. Keywords: Chinese Herbal paste; Characteristics ;Preparation Technology; Chinese Herbal Pieces; Chinese Herbal Formula Granules; Comparison;膏方系指饮片用水煎煮,取煎煮液浓缩,加炼蜜或糖(或转化糖)制成的半流体制剂[1]。





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