摘 要:头孢克肟是第三代头孢菌素,最先由日本研制成功,其在机体内通过抑制细菌细胞壁的合成而发挥杀菌作用。头孢克肟有较强的疏水性,制剂工艺容易影响其在体内的溶出和吸收,导致生物利用度不一致。而科学有效的体外溶出度试验一定程度上可以预测口服固体制剂在体内生物利用度。因此药品生产企业以溶出度评价指标作为药品制剂工艺及质量控制的重要依据。对药品处方工艺中的多方面因素进行考察筛选,将其与原研头孢克肟胶囊溶出曲线比较,对其进行相似性评价,从而确定头孢克肟胶囊的处方工艺,为药品处方工艺的合理性提供依据,以期佐证之后的生物等效性试验。
Studyon the prescription and technology of Cefixime Capsules
ABSTRACT:Cefixime is the third generation cephalosporin, which was first developedby Japan, and it can inhibit the synthesis of bacterial cell wall. Cefixime has strong hydrophobicity, thepreparation process is easy to affect its dissolution and absorption in vivo,resulting in inconsistent bioavailability. The scientific and effective invitro dissolution test can predict the bioavailability of oral solidpreparations to some extent. Therefore, the dissolution of pharmaceuticalenterprises as an important indicator of the pharmaceutical preparation processand quality control. Study on screening of factors of prescription drugs in theprocess, with the original Cefixime Capsules dissolution curve comparison, thesimilarity evaluation, so as to determine the prescription and technology ofCefixime Capsules, to provide the basis for the rationality of prescriptiondrugs, to bioequivalence trial period after the evidence.
Key Words: Cefixime; Capsules; Prescription process ; Dissolution curve; f2factor method